Ministers meet to plan for the future of Canada’s immigration system
The Forum of Ministers Responsible for Immigration (FMRI) met on March 10, at the Canadian Museum of Immigration in Halifax, Nova Scotia to continue their discussions on the future of immigration in Canada.
In follow-up to the meeting last July, Ministers discussed increasing provincial/territorial (PT) involvement in economic immigrant selection, increased allocations in the Provincial/Territorial Nominee Programs (PNPs), finding ways to improve application processing times, reducing duplication and providing greater agency over PNPs.
Canada’s Immigration Ministers condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and discussed how Ukrainians and their family members who are fleeing Russia’s aggression and violence have been welcomed and supported.
Ministers discussed collective priorities on FCR, particularly as it relates to internationally-educated healthcare professionals (IEHPs), with a focus on the important role of immigration and the FMRI in responding to labour shortage issues, with PTs collaborating towards better credential recognition for new Canadians.
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