Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island Entrepreneurial Stream Program last draw
The mandate of this project is to outline concrete opportunities for the development of the hemp crop in New Brunswick based on its core assets, established industries, potential partnerships and synergies that define New Brunswick’s unique opportunities in a global marketplace.
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney is scheduled to give a keynote speech on interprovincial trade.
Precipitating in an Entrepreneurial stream information session is one of the eligible connections to New Brunswick.
The new report from the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council (APEC), titled Digital Technology Firms: Their Importance and Role in Atlantic Canada’s Economy, found that digital technology firms in Atlantic Canada accounted for $6.1-billion in revenue in 2017, up from $5.2 billion in 2014.
The centerpiece of the conference is the policy debates, where resolutions submitted by local chambers from across the country will be debated by the delegates in attendance.