New Brunswick Reaches Record Population Of 776,827
Oct 2, 2019
by Inda Intiar
New Brunswick saw its population grow again to 776,827 in the year up to July 1, 2019, mostly due to international migration, according to estimates by Statistics Canada.
The addition of 5,906 people in New Brunswick marks the largest single-year growth for the province in the last 30 years.
Other programs accelerating immigration, like the Atlantic Immigration Pilot program, has since been in place to help businesses that are struggling to find workers.
In 2017-2018, the province’s population grew by 0.54 percent, before growing by 0.8 percent in 2018-2019.
New Brunswick Business Council president and CEO Adrienne O’Pray say the growth numbers are showing that things are going in the right direction.
“It’s great to see these numbers come that show that we’re seeing an increase in population. Absolutely that’s good for N.B. in so many ways – socially, economically,” she said. “The availability of labor in all levels and all wage scales is really critical for New Brunswick.”
Now that there’s momentum, she says, “we can’t take our foot off the gas” if New Brunswick wants to fill the 120,000 jobs expected to be vacant in the next decade due to retirements.
She says stakeholders in the population growth strategy need to continue to work hard on attracting more newcomers, and retaining those who have come to settle in New Brunswick and the province’s young people.
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