Planting The Seeds Of A More Innovative Forest Industry
Oct 24, 2019
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently talked about planting billions of more trees in Canada as part of his plan to get to ‘net-zero” carbon emissions by 2050.
New Brunswick should be at the leading edge of this revolution of replacing plastic-based products with wood-based products. We were among the first to use wood pulp to make clothing.
Despite changes in the sector, only British Columbia relies as much on forestry as a share of GDP as does New Brunswick.
It still employs thousands and thousands of workers directly in the forest, the mills, and the supply chain and it is the second most important industry as a driver of export revenue for the province.
Australia recently announced it would be planting billions of new trees each year as part of its plan to address global warming. The trees will be thinned periodically and ultimately harvested created a long-term economic industry for the country.
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