Local Companies And Workforce The Secret To Cooke Aquaculture’s Global Success
Nov 12, 2019
by Huddle Staff
SAINT JOHN – Cooke Aquaculture is undergoing a period of rapid global expansion that’s been of great benefit to the Atlantic Canadian economy, creating jobs and supporting companies and communities across the region.
In a speech at a recent conference in Saint John organized by the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council (APEC), CEO Glenn Cooke traced not only the recent international acquisitions but also the economic impacts here at home.
The company now operates in 10 countries with 25 processing facilities and over 9,000 employees. It ships a billion pounds of seafood products to 67 countries with $2.4-billion in revenues.
Atlantic Canada reaps the benefits of the company’s now-extensive global reach.
“One of our guiding principles has been to support the communities where we operate and where our people live and work,” said Cooke in the speech to nearly 150 Saint John area business leaders.
“We appreciate each and every small, medium, and large supplier we work with for their role in supporting our global growth,” said Cooke. “Our company believes strongly in helping other small and medium-sized businesses scale in New Brunswick and Atlantic Canada. As we grow, we want to see these companies grow right along with us.”
The company is in the midst of a multi-year capital expansion plan to spend $200-million in New Brunswick and $500-million across Atlantic Canada.
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